*If you need some help in your life, feeling lost and need some direction, or just looking for personal readings, do drop me a comment on this page, email me or DM me on Instagram. Readings are one-off or come in a bundle! *

Ooh Sagittarius! One of my favourite signs in the zodiac – many of my personal planets fall in the 9th house rules by Sagittarius – and I just love everything that it represents. Travel, spirituality, knowledge, risk-taking, wildness, spontaneity, higher learning and wisdom. After the deeper, darker and murkier energies of the Scorpio season – which was fixed water, I welcome the Mutable but Fire-y energy of Sagittarius.
And I love that we are ending off a tough year with this lighter, brighter energy as we prepare for a New Year.
Card pulls for the Sagittarius Season
I’ve switched things up this season and will be using the Queen of the Moon Oracle Deck by Stacey DeMarco to do my card pulls. The deck keeps calling out to me and I’m feeling its energy so much!
Darkness, our Shadow side, our Shadow selves. Darkness can be challenging for many of us to handle, but thinking about it literally – Darkness is night-time and when the entire world is asleep and quiet. It invites solitude, quietude and a deep sense of introspection and reflection. When it’s night-time, there are less distractions around and you may be more receptive to what your intuition and inner voice is trying to tell you too.
This card is just the card to represent the dark, wintery months (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s a time when the days are short, nights are long and when rest and recharge is necessary. If you are feeling tired and “lazy” this time around, don’t push yourself to do things against your will. Your body could be signalling you to rest and “hibernate” as you prepare for the New Year.
Be a leader, Step in to your power
This is Sagittarian energy as well! I’ve always viewed it as a very masculine, fire-y sign. And this card is telling us to step into our power and lead from the front. This energy is protective and encouraging – offer help to those who need it and take the steps to go achieve whatever you’ve been dreaming of!
This is also the time to stand by your guiding principles and beliefs – a very Sagittarian quality. Stand strong in what you believe in and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Go get whatever you desire!
Have Fun!
Another card that is just so Sagittarian in nature. If you’ve been having a hard time and taking yourself a little too seriously this year, it’s time to let go and have fun. Inject pleasure and spontaneity into your day-to-day. Take yourself out on a date, do something fun for yourself and do what your heart desires! Tap into your inner child and be as free and creative in your endeavours. See the bright sides that life and this world has to offer.
Give thanks!
Yes this has been repeated by others a zillion times. And yes, this has to be said again. But whatever life has thrown at you this year, let’s look back at the year gone by and give thanks for whatever has happened to us and how far we’ve come. We might have faced losses and defeats but there would have been slivers of light peaking through the dark clouds. I’m always of the belief that our experiences – good or bad – can transform us. So let’s give thanks for everything that came our way!
Let it Go
I’ve been pulling a variation of this card all throughout this year that it’s getting quite spooky (in a good way!). It’s like the Universe/God/Angels are constantly reminding me of this because of how important this is to my life – and yours. Do you have bad habits? Are you keeping yourself in situations or around people who are no longer aligned to your higher self? It’s time to kick those bad habits, say goodbye to situations and people who are no longer aligned with us, cut those cords and allow amazing things to come into our lives. Take whatever hasn’t been working for you and see how you can
Achievements and manifestations
I love this card! Just right for the season where we are closing off the year and looking back at our achievements and “harvests”. You have come so far this year, been through so much, learnt and experienced so much along the way. You’ve also laid the seeds of your manifestations early on, so be ready to see your manifestations come to life. Celebrate them! And celebrate how far you’ve come 🙂
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Tarot Spread
#1 How to live with more honesty and authenticity?
Sagittarius values honesty. If you are friends with anyone who has strong Sagittarian influences, you will notice that they are incredibly blunt and honest to a fault (sometimes too blunt haha). They tend to be able to take what they dish out though and also appreciate honesty in others. So let’s take a look at how honesty has manifested in our lives. Have we been living in a way that is true to ourselves? That brings out our authentic selves? Or are we living behind a facade? This card will tell you how to begin to tune into and bring out your authenticity, such that you will start living in a way that is aligned to what you truly want.
#2 How to inject more fun into your life?
Fun. Spontaneity. Joy. Creativity. Play. Sagittarius is all these and more. If you are someone that has been very hard on yourself this year or you are just a more serious, pensive personality by nature, try telling your inner adult to take a break for the time being and invite your inner child in. Let loose, let your hair down and just play! Be free and joyfully explore what this world has to offer you!
#3 How can you be more adventurous and confidently pursue what you want?
Sagittarius is a sign that loves adventure and the outdoors. They are confident pursuers in life and never overthink things or take too much time to get to where they want to be. This card will tell you how you can invite more of this adventurous and confident energy into your life. Tap into this energy to go after what you want!
#4 What can you do to create more freedom in your life?
Sagittarius is free-spirited. They don’t tend to live by other people’s rules or what society tells them they should be doing. Being a sign that loves the outdoors, travelling and nature also speaks to that love of freedom. Being anywhere outside of the home feels freeing – the land is boundless, there are no limits to what you can explore. If you’ve been feeling tied down, constrained and tensed, it’s time to explore bringing in more freedom in your life.
#5 How could you approach life with more optimism?
Sagittarius is a very optimistic sign. Fire signs are naturally like that, but because of their mutable energy, I find them to be more easy-going than Aries and Leo. They always hold a positive outlook to life and don’t really let bad things get them too down, always taking it in stride and letting it pass. This card will tell you how to bring more of this positive, upbeat spirit into whatever you face in life.
#6 What are you feeling called to learn?
Sagittarius and the ninth house rules wisdom and higher learning. As you are unwinding this month, what do you feel called to learn? It doesn’t need to be anything major like a degree in botany or something. Learning can be done in many ways – through videos, short courses, e-books etc. It doesn’t need to serve a specific purpose either, I’ve learnt plenty of things – how to write better, watercolouring, embroidery etc not because I’m gonna become an artist soon, but just for the heck of it, as a hobby. And it all makes me very happy! It could also be something related to personal growth – like how to be more spiritual for example. Or like me, you could be taking lessons to brush up on your tarot and numerology knowledge. Don’t limit yourself!
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