*If you need some help in your life, feeling lost and need some direction, or just looking for personal readings, do drop me a comment on this page, email me or DM me on Instagram. Readings are one-off or come in a bundle! *

New Moon in Scorpio: 9 of wands – Persevere!
You may be feeling tired, worn out and like life is unbearable. The man in the photo has his head bandaged and is leaning on one of the swords with a worn-out expression.
But of course you are! We’ve been through so much these past 2 years. You’ve probably had been working hard on a goal or two only to meet setbacks and delays.
You’re so close though, don’t give up! Take a break if you need to, find your support network and keep going. Persevere and see this through. You will get there 🙂
First Quarter Moon in : 6 of Swords – Let go of your burdens
Despite the feelings of fatigue and lethargy (card above), in general, you are steadily moving towards your destination. BUT. You are still carrying around some burdens with you.
Burdens you should have left behind on shore. Things you are still refusing to let go.
Take some time this week to reflect on the emotional and mental baggage you may be carrying around. What are you not letting go of? What is stopping you from doing so? What can you do to lighten your load?
Full Beaver Moon in Taurus: 6 of Wands – Celebrate
You have reached an important stage in your life, an important milestone in your journey and it’s time to celebrate! Be proud of your achievements and what you had to overcome to get here. Lots of times, we don’t even acknowledge the hard work we put into and the amount of work we’ve done to come this far, so take time and bask in all that glory!
This card also shows that others around you are acknowledging your achievements and celebrating it together with you. You are being recognised and standing out from the crowd.
You are still some distance from your final destination, but hitting this milestone would provide a huge boost to keep you going.
Last Quarter Moon in Virgo: 8 of Cups – Say goodbye to what’s not working
I personally love this card! I have been seeing this card in so many of my personal readings thus far. This denotes a letting go or walking away of some sort from someone or something that isn’t aligned with your Highest Good anymore. It’s time to let go and move on. Yes, it has served you in some way up to this point in time, but the time has come to say goodbye to it – it has served its purpose.
However, it could also mean you are refusing to accept or deal with something in your life at the moment. You are turning your back on something that you’ve been trying to avoid for awhile already. It could be an un-resolved situation, Perhaps it’s time to face up to it this week.
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