Coming into the week of the 10th of Jan, I did start the week feeling nostalgic, at the year that has just passed us by, kinda thinking about how long life can be. But at the same time, how short it is. This post on Instagram just encapsulates how I feel:
Business Thoughts
I’ve decided to cancel my subscription renewal for Tailwindapp. It’s just abit of a bummer that there are very few good alternatives to scheduling posts on Pinterest. Board booster used to be the absolute best in my opinion, user-friendly, great features and good price too. Tailwind is just overly pricey and my reach is worse than if I pinned stuff myself – how does that even make sense! I looked at my analytics today, and all my best-performing boards are my own personal boards, not the group boards or even the Tribes that Tailwind pushes so much. So yeah, bye Tailwind, I’ll pin stuff on my own!
And now, interrupting this programme – Are you struggling with figuring out your life purpose, feeling happy and your self esteem? Read on!
Check out my Self-Esteem & Goal-Setting Guides here! Alternatively, check out the blog for other romance and self-esteem related posts or get in touch with me 🙂
Spiritually… it was a First Quarter Moon in Aries
And honestly it felt like a really strange week for me. First Quarter Moon periods are always when I’m very active – mentally and physically. But I realised it was because other stuff were going on with me during this time too.
5 ways you can shift your speech and reframe your perspectives
More musings on Instagram…
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