Have you struggled with friendships in life?
I bet you have. We all have at some point in life. And the thing about friendships is that it isn’t as discussed about in self-help books or in the media. But it is just as important as romance.
Humans are social creatures and a life without any friendships can be quite a lonely one.
My journey with friendships have been…interesting. I used to be quite clingy when I was younger and would feel abandoned when my friends hung out with others. Fast forward to my adult years, and I struggled with friends who just seem to take me for granted. I have/had quite a few friends who would constantly dump their issues on me but couldn’t reciprocate being a listening ear for me.
Do you struggle with friendships? Find out in the quiz below!
How can you begin to figure out what is blocking authentic friendships from coming in?
So it took awhile to figure out what was it that was blocking me from having real authentic connections with people and from attracting more people and friendships that were aligned with the “real” me.
It started from really digging into my emotions.
- How did I really feel when I was around this person?
- Was I being honest with how I felt?
- Was I being honest with them?
- Was I holding onto a friendship that made me feel bad about myself?
- Was I just friends with them to please them?
It’s freaking difficult to be honest with ourselves and just admit that being friends with Person A just made me feel like crap. Having an honest conversation with someone who makes you feel bad is also tough but offers a great growth opportunity.
How healing your heart chakra and being honest with yourself + discerning can help you
If you have struggled with being cut off by a friend without any reason (posts here, here and here), you will understand how painful it feels to not have closure. Keeping that that in mind, I recently told someone how being friends with her made me feel – undermined and burdened (she’d send me at least 50 texts per day. No, I wish I were kidding) and it’d be hard to continue with something that didn’t make me feel good.
Getting honest with yourself and diving deep into your emotional guidance system is just one of many ways that you can start attracting joyful and more aligned friendships.
And I teach you how to do that in the guide below. When we have a more aligned and balanced chakra system throughout, we would be able to tune into our intuition and be more discerning about the friends you are letting into your life.

Discernment is super important when it comes to who we decide to let into our lives. Do we know how to decide if the person is good for us? What qualities do we consider for friendship?
It took me awhile to really understand and figure out what I really wanted in a friendship – empathy, support, concern, care, fun, humour, similar qualities. The clarity only really came about after I had done a certain amount of spiritual cleansing and energy healing from within. It was only then that I could tune into my intuition to really understand what I wanted from my friendships.
Are you ready for better friendships too? Then it’s time to start healing from within. Grab my book and start working on your chakras! Start seeing how your relationship with yourself improves and how much clarity you gain in your life.