Gosh, I actually can’t believe it’s October. Where did 2021 go? We started the year thinking that 2021 would be an easier ride than 2020. And whilst in some ways it has been, in many other ways it has been a less punishing extension of whatever happened in 2020.
Covid is still around and whilst countries are figuring out quarantine orders, lockdowns and travel bubbles, we are also all transforming on a deep personal level. There have been eclipses this year, multiple planets going retrograde (not just mercury), and all of us have been feeling the effects on a deep spiritual, physical and emotional level.
This Libra season, we continue with our self-care. We will pay closer attention to our feelings, our energy and what we need to let go of. Transformation can feel painful as we let go of old habits, beliefs and behaviour, and it can only serve a higher purpose for us. At the same time, we need to look after ourselves.
The October Libra Season Spread
Card #1: How could you better protect your energy?
This card calls for a need to pay close attention to your energy protection practices – are you keeping up with it daily? Is your energy leaking in ways that you can’t see? If you are constantly feeling fatigued, drained, grouchy and negative, it’s time to pause and take a closer look at your energy protection practices and seek to further strengthen them this month.
Card #2: How could you start showing more compassion for yourself?
Many of us are extremely hard on ourselves. We expect alot, we shoulder alot of responsibilities and burdens and we do not take breaks. Or we feel guilty when we take breaks. The past year has also been difficult for many of us. Let’s start showing more love, care and concern for ourselves, only then will we feel more recharged and carry out our plans with more vigour.
Card #3: How could you better ground yourself this month?
Do you constantly feel “floaty”, flighty and unfocused? That means you are disconnected from yourself and not grounded. If you are constantly in your head or you work in a job where you are using alot of intellectual and mental power, it is easy to feel disconnected. Connecting back to the Earth is a great way of stabilising your energy, as the Gaia or Mother Earth is solid, stable, secure, grounding. Bringing your energy down and away from your head and taking it through to your feet and down into the ground also allows the energy to flow freely through your chakra points instead of remaining stuck in your head.
Card #4: How could you better connect to your emotions?
When we go through the daily grind, it’s easy to neglect our feelings and put aside our emotions. If you’re used to burying your emotions, then this is even easier to do! Take time to this month to go deeper with your feelings, take pauses in the day to check in on yourself and how you are feeling. Journal at the day of each day. I find that keeping a feelings diary really helps identify events and triggers of your emotions, which helps you better understand yourself.
Card #5: Where do you need more balance in life?
Libra is traditionally the sign of balance and decisions. Take this time to re-evaluate your life – is it balanced? Are you eating well, getting good quality sleep? Are you getting the social connections you crave? Are you spending as much time on your hobbies as you do on your profession? Too much of anything is not good for us, balance is what we need!
Card #6: How could you begin to walk away from what is currently not working for you?
Sometimes things in life aren’t working out. What we once hankered after, we don’t anymore. Things we once worked very hard for, dreamed of, we no longer care about anymore. And this is just – life. We are allowed to change our minds about our paths, our dreams. We don’t have to stick to something if it is not working out for us anymore.
Life has many twists and turns and the path that we are on may not be the one that we end up following to the end. And that is okay. Give thanks for the opportunities that were presented to you on this path, accept that it has brought you to where you need to be and that you are meant to be on a different path from now on. Leave all that you need to behind and walk into the light.
My Libra Season
I drew 5 cards for myself this season and whilst this is not aligned to the questions above, hopefully some of these themes may resonate with you.
I write this in the third person as I usually allow my intuition to come through and address me.
8 of Pentacles – Neglecting aspects of life
Yes, you’ve been really hard at work, tolling away at what you need to do. And yes, you’ve been very successful and your hard work has reaped you the rewards thus far. But are you isolating yourself too much because of work? Has work become the focus of your life at the expense of everything else?
It’s time to venture out and start connecting with others! Take yourself out on dates, spend some quiet time observing your surroundings. Balance is incredibly important in our lives so ensure that whilst you are working hard, you are also keeping up with other aspects in life.
8 of Cups – Time to walk away
You’ve tried and tried to make things work but now it’s time to walk away from some things in your life. Striving is the energy of resistance and too much of it does not align you with what is good and abundant. What used to work back then may not work now as you’ve changed and circumstances change too. Something you used to love doing and used to dream of doing may not appeal that much anymore.
It’s okay – you were brought to the event for a reason, but you have come one full circle, you have learnt what you needed to. It’s time to move on to bigger and brighter things in life. When one door closes, another opens.
7 of Wands – Being challenged in life + self-care
At times you may feel like life is tough and that you are all alone because of the beliefs, principles and values that you have stuck to through all the circumstances have got you all the success and achievements in life. But it’s probably brought you a fair amount of hate and challenge from outsiders. It may catch you by surprise sometimes and make you feel inadequate.
This is where you learn how to stick to your guns and protect your energy. Connect with yourself, your strength consistently and have conviction and self-belief. You will tide through it.
King of Pentacles – Be consistent and have plans for your dreams
Wealth, finances, relationships, career – everything that you want, you can have. The key is to be grounded, be grateful and enjoy all that life has presented you. Get something clear on your path and where you want to be headed is one of the sure-fire ways that would lead you to success. Be intentioned, be clear and have a plan. Keep up with your rituals, work on your self-esteem or self-doubts if you have any and be consistent – show up and never stop dreaming! Have the patience and persistence to see things through – success doesn’t happen overnight – take action and surrender! Trust that what you want is coming to you if it’s meant to be in your experience 🙂
King of Cups – Tune into your emotions and be creative!
This is a great time to fully express your emotions and feelings – something that can feel foreign and unnatural to you. If you are constantly feeling down and out-of-sorts, it’s time to look into the root causes of these feelings. It’s also a good time to reach out and emotionally connect with others. Cups energy is also very strongly tied to your creativity. How can you be more creative this month? How can you be more creative? Let your mind run free?
Emotions and creativity are strongly tied to your sacral chakra – the area around your lower abdomen. If you are experiencing blocks in this area, you may be experiencing certain issues around emotional expression, you might be feeling empty or dull and be unable to to connect with yourself and others. Take some time to work through these issues this month.
Thoughts? What are your readings for your Libra season ahead?
If you’d like a reading for something coming up in your life, do comment on this post with your email or IG handle, or DM me on instagram!