I’ve long been a huge proponent of personal growth, in empowering and bettering our lives and fighting for ourselves, for the right to be us, the right to live the life we want to. Because so many of us spend so much time being someone we were told to be, to be an individual we probably never want to be.
In trying to find my way out of the socio-cultural programming, others’ beliefs, rules and expectations, I’ve gone down this whole personal and spiritual growth path over the years. Read TONS of articles, blogs, signed up for newsletters, bought courses, read books. You name it, I’ve done it.
Did I learn alot? Hell yeah. Made alot of changes to my life and turned alot of things around. Biut something still lingered for me – some of the things that
I’ve long been a huge proponent of personal growth, in empowering and bettering our lives and fighting for ourselves, for the right to be us, the right to live the life we want to. Because so many of us spend so much time being someone we were told to be, to be an individual we probably never want to be.
In trying to find my way out of the socio-cultural programming, others’ beliefs, rules and expectations, I’ve gone down this whole personal and spiritual growth path over the years. Read TONS of articles, blogs, signed up for newsletters, bought courses, read books. You name it, I’ve done it.
Did I learn alot? Hell yeah. Made alot of changes to my life and turned alot of things around. But something still lingered for me – some of the things that I was trying to change – did not happen at all no matter what I did.
Mini story-time.

My journey in uncovering the perfect goal-setting strategy
I was packing my to-do list to the brim and I wasn’t really ticking off most of the items on the list on most days. I thought there was something wrong with me. Something I wasn’t doing right. So I devoured webinars, classes, books on productivity, scheduling, time management, goal setting, went for life coaching. All that stuff.
I had tons of strategies, excel sheets, print-outs, saved tons of printables on my Pinterest, felt envy when I browsed Tumblr and saw how everyone’s bullet journals look like, bought physical planners – stacks of them, because none of them ever seem to be a “good fit for my needs”. I downloaded and deleted so many productivity and scheduling apps. None of them lasting longer than 3 months with me (except Google Keep, a couple of years strong!).
This went on for a good couple of years.
And throughout the entire process, there was never once that I felt adequate, or felt good about myself. I may feel high on the odd day or two when I managed to tick off everything on my to-do list or planner, but that never lasted long.
I was tired. So very tired. And frustrated.
And you know what frustration and exhaustion sometimes do to you? In a weird twisted way sometimes, it gets you where you need to be. Because you stop trying so hard and you allow things to just happen.
And then you realise you kind of knew the answers all along.
We all have a pool of inner wisdom and strength waiting for us to tap on it. Following what everyone else does blocks you from accessing it
So I unsubscribed from all the newsletters, curbed the urge to buy yet another book/course or sign up for another webinar, stopped saving Pinterest pins and YouTube vids on goal setting, time management/productivity, stopped downloading all the apps.. All of it.
And guess what happened?
I just did what I had been doing, carried on as usual, and because I was now so far away from the advice that others were espousing, so distant and frankly, so unaffected by it, I was able to really tune into what worked for me with clarity.
I no longer felt lost or confused – I knew exactly what to do and what worked. I no longer felt anxious or guilty that I was doing something wrongly and desperately trying on so many things at once to see which stuck.
It’s when you stop letting others’ energy and voices affect you, is when you are able to really tune into yourself and reach deep inside to draw out the solutions you already have within you. Solutions that are so deliciously aligned with you and your values.
Enter my energy toolkit: Start tapping into your rich, deep inner pool of wisdom by getting conscious about
I know that it is not easy to shut off the noise from society and others, to now want to seek a friend’s validation or allow yourself be influenced by someone else’s opinion. We are all a society of people-pleasers – we have been raised to please everyone around us, everyone except ourselves.
But if you’d like to get to a place of true freedom and liberation, a life lived only for yourself, far away from the judgment and influence of others, then it is important to be able to better connect with yourself again.
I teach you how to do so using 8 different techniques in this free toolkit below. Get to really, truly know yourself, cleanse and rebalance your energy in the process and regulate your nervous system – all at the same time!
Looking forward to your transformation from within!