March was a great month, way better than Jan and Feb which felt like my body was still processing leftover stuff from 2022 and from Winter.
I always love March, because it’s when Spring starts to kick in, the flower buds start growing, the snow/ice starts thawing, colour is coming into our lives once again. It’s a brand new start, it’s when the year really begins!
Here, I looked back at the month that went by and some of the amazing stuff that happened, and the last pleasant things they did, whilst
March Yays
Accountability containers and structures
I used to be a big fan of going with the flow, but no longer. Going with the flow and surrendering is a wonderful concept and a great energy space to be in when you trying not to exert control on external circumstances and life events that are out of your control. It’s a great reminder that we are not always in control and we cannot always be.
But. When we are trying to get things done, to move things forward in life, to put in the small steps to get to somewhere we want to be – going with the flow impedes you. What helps? Structures. Accountability.
Yup the usual boring stuff, but it does work.
And I’ve found what works the best – having accountability containers.
These are nothing complicated, it’s just setting aside 1, usually 2 hours, or an entire afternoon if you must to just work on that thing that you need to get done.
I went for a staycation in the middle of March, and it was wonderful, 2 days tucked away in a hotel, just working away on my business, I had alot to do, but could never get it done quickly with the interruptions of daily life, chores and work. And I got so much done!
These containers work so well because it is a commitment to yourself and to the work that needs to be done. You’ve already made a pact with yourself to show up and get things done. The second thing – there are no distractions. It’s just you and your work.
I love to get settled in with some nice music, or a good drama I can play in the background (rewatching the entire Father Brown series now!), I’m into scent and candles now so I’ll get one lit, make sure my surroundings are comfy and I will get to work.
This works for anything – work you need to get done, admin stuff, chores, decluttering, anything!
I’d be starting to do virtual accountability videos on my YouTube channel in April, so come subscribe and join me whenever you can in order to get things done!
Leaning into scents and comfortable surroundings
I’ve long been an underbuyer. I think if you’ve been around and read my blogs or been on my newsletters you’d know how much I think and research before buying anything.
In recent months though, I’ve been really growing comfortable with the idea of buying things that enhance my life and make me feel alot better. I’ve gotten a new mattress and pillow and have been sleeping so much better, signed up for yoga class and am really loving it, hired a personal stylist and am really loving my new wardrobe and the creativity that comes with it although it was quite a steep investment!
On top of that, I’ve been trying to enhance my surroundings and make them more comfortable. This includes decluttering (of course, never-ending) and putting in scents and comfy textures wherever I can. I’ve managed to do that to some extent with my bed , but I’ve also been trying to mix in soft scents to my surroundings.
So yes, have indulged in a set of candles, essential oils and a diffuser. I still cannot be in the presence of heavy fragrances for too long, but having light fragrances nearby whilst I get some work done always helps me get into the mood a little. It also helps me get into the kind of energy I want to embody when I do my work (ease, flow, creativity, intuition) and being in comfy surroundings helps alot with that.
March Nays
Being impatient about life unfolding
I’m not known to be a patient person. Though not a type-A personality at all, I do want things to happen and get done quickly. So I was incredibly disappointed at several points in my month that things in my business were not going the way I wanted it to. I guess I was already expecting to earn a tidy sum of money from my books, but realise that I still need to put in quite a bit of work to get the traction that I’ve been looking for.
Well, it’s all trial and error and experimenting, but the important thing is to keep going. Putting one foot in front of the other and steadily working towards the life that I want.
Deliberating too long on my personal shares
Something I’ve told myself to do more of this March was to be more interactive and fast and abit more furious with my shares on my blog here as well as on social media, but I haven’t been doing that alot. More because I was still figuring out some structures, what to say, and how to share it. But I do want to step up in this. A constant reminder to myself that things need not be perfect to see the light of day.
I think I’ve been saying this since December, but with the rise on costs and eating out, and also because of a desire to eat more healthily, I’ve been wanting to cook my own food more often and batch prepare stuff for both lunches and dinners. However, I’ve not started on anything! Despite having a pretty cool airfryer to use, I’ve not started using it either.
Again, it’s all down to perfection and figuring out the right time to do my grocery shopping conveniently, to batch prepare and then come back from work to cook. I do note that I need to take this in stages because I tend to get too ambitious early on and get incredibly exhausted from it and stop after awhile.
The pacing is important. I started making avocado and egg sandwiches for dinner once a week for me and the fam. So yay me! Here’s to more simple and manageable meals I can conjure up in the upcoming weeks.