Hello everyone!!
Wow, this has been a looonngggg time coming. I know, I haven’t been updating in months. And that’s because there has been so much going on.
I actually put my posting on a hold for a bit as I was really busy juggling my job and writing up my thesis for my Masters. And…. I finally graduated back in June! (yay!!) and since then, I’ve been back on. And there’s been so many changes.
I’m now actively posting on instagram, so do check out my page.
And I’ve got exciting news as well… yup you’ve guessed it from the headline haha, I am finally launching a podcast!
I never thought in a million years that I’d be able to pull this off. Just seemed like a pipedream, but I’m here.

S3E30 – Limerent and not able to attract love in? Do this one thing – Life As An Experiment Podcast
- S3E30 – Limerent and not able to attract love in? Do this one thing
- S3E29 – Obsessed with Kpop Idols and their "perfect" worlds – why?
- S3E28 – Why are you Attracted to Emotionally Unavailable people?
- S3E27 – How to stop limerence and being so obsessed with your crush?
- S3E26 – Can limerence ever turn into healthy love?
Moving forward, the podcast episodes will be replacing my usual blog posts. I will be dropping an episode each Friday. And boy, I’ve got so much to share.
Tips, ideas, strategies and inspiration for anything personal growth and relationships related. I’ll be sharing findings from my research, pop psychology, books and reflections of my life experiences. I will answer readers’ questions and share my thoughts on them too.
I’m not aiming to be prescriptive in this podcast, neither am I aiming to represent mine or someone else’s ideas as truth, but I’d just like to offer a different perspective where I can, where you as the listener might go, “hey, I didn’t think about that before, maybe that’s worth a try!”
I want listeners to feel like we are chilling in a cafe with our coffees, a light piano jazz playing in the background or hanging out on a park bench chatting about life. And most importantly, I hope that this podcast sparks something in you, that these ideas and topics will inspire you to have conversations with people – friends, family, with yourself – conversations that you might be wanting to have but never had the chance to.
So don’t forget to subscribe at the following places or wherever you get your podcasts, as it will help others like you find it easily 🙂
Apple | Stitcher | Spotify | Google
Every subscription and listen makes a difference and helps increase the visibility of the podcast.
I’m super excited to be back here connecting with you guys again, it’s truly been a long time. And here’s to a continuation of our friendship. Cheers guys!!