When you start your journey as a business owner, you’d probably start familiarising yourself with things like the customer journey, customer archetypes, email funnels, evergreen content yada yada.
Those things are what I call some of the typical “business infrastructure” stuff, the “hard” stuff, the groundwork perhaps for some people.
But what businesses sometimes even miss out on are the softer aspects of doing business.
Things like if the businesss is even aligned with your values or what kind of energy is your business actually transmitting to people.
You are probably reading this and wondering what the heck does energy have anything to do with business? (Well everything!) What even is energy?
Let’s dive abit into this.
Your business is an energy representation of you.
Do you ever notice how you feel about certain businesses? When you get on their site, or interact with their team or read about them – what are the vibes that you get?
How do you feel being there?
There are some businesses that give me a quirky feel, some upbeat and colourful, others just give me greedy/shady/fake-happy vibes (not gonna name them here).
A lot of our energy transmutes through all the touchpoints people have with our business – the landing pages, the words, the pictures we choose, even the colours.
For example, I love designs that are abit quirky and artsy, and I love colours. I don’t like to stick to the same colour palette so you will always see me changing things up. So how I make decisions about my designs and colours are very aligned with my character/energy – quirky, bold, alive.
And I want whoever is coming to my site or interacting with me to feel that way too.
People pick up on our energy
It may seem a little ridiculous, but people do pick up on our energy unconsciously when they interact with our business.
For instance, if you are a service provider, like a coach or a tarot reader, but you absolutely hate your clients? It shows.
It will be in the way you write, the way you email them, the way you run the coaching sessions.
I used to bump into coaches who claim to want to genuinely help others, but when I started working together with them, it was a lot of pushy sales and focusing more on selling more stuff to me than my well-being.
Could they actually be genuinely concerned about my well-being? Yes of course! But when you communicate your energy and intention in contradictory ways, it is difficult to build a relationship.
This is why it is important to be authentic in our business.
How not getting the energy of your business right can hurt your business
At the crux of this energy talk is the fact that when we interact with someone, we are exchanging energies with one another. We are bringing something of ourselves into their space.
Unbalanced energy exchange is the reason why some of us feel drained when we are around certain people and why engaging in certain behaviour (i.e. overthinking, overworking) can leave us feeling fatigued all the time.
It’s the same when we are doing business, when the exchange is unequal or unbalanced, you are bound to feel it, and it is bound to manifest in certain ways as explained below
Your energy could be sending different messages which explains why you don’t attract the people you want
As with the coaching examples I gave above, you may have set out with the intention of helping someone. Outwardly at least, you say that you do.
But actually, deep down? You resent your clients, you find them annoying, with all kinds of silly problems. You struggle to make time for your business because you always feel like something else is more worth your time.
You may be unconsciously using hard tactics that scare potential customers away.
Or you just keep attracting the wrong crowd.
Sometimes we are also projecting parts of ourselves onto our business, so if we have always struggled with say, low self-esteem for instance, you may find yourself attracting certain people who struggle with the same issue or are looking for help for the very thing you struggle with.

You under (over)price and under (over)value your offers
What do I charge? What is the right price?
Ah such tough questions and never an easy answer. Yes, there have been countless studies on the Psychology of pricing and the objective principles of how you should price something.
But I’ve found that you never really know what your target market is willing to pay for until you start selling your stuff.
More importantly, many of us undervalue our work. This is actually pretty common in the service-related roles where it can be difficult to quantify the amount of work you did and the amount of time you spent on it.
Pricing is way more than just slapping 10 bucks on a product and calling it a day. It is also about the amount of energy you put in – the time, effort, the support you give clients and how much value you put on it.
You feel like you are running around in circles and not seeing any success
When your energy exchanges aren’t consistent or you are confused about the direction, or intending one thing but doing something else completely, you will find that your success seems to come in stops and starts or it doesn’t come in at all.
Our success or achievements actually mirror the energy we are putting in. If we are confused, unsure and inconsistent, it will tend to be reflected back to us.
Whilst I don’t think it’s realistic to always expect our energies to be clean, balanced and upbeat, I think it really helps to be consistent most of the time.
Need more help in starting and sustaining a business in this saturated market?
Check out my book on doing business authentically!
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