*If you need some help in your life, feeling lost and need some direction, or just looking for personal readings, do drop me a comment on this page, email me or DM me on Instagram. Readings are one-off or come in a bundle! *

Capricorn. My Sun Sign as well as many other planets in my chart fall in this lovely sign. We say goodbye to the more chill, spontaneous, adventurous, fun and fiery Sagittarius and say hello to a more serious, disciplined Capricorn.
I think that Capricorn traditionally gets a rather bad rep in the world. Many people think that this is the sign of someone who is a workaholic, has no sense of humour, is a money-grubbing, social climber and a materialistic bore.
Whilst I won’t deny that there are Cappies like that out there (just like there are other signs who have these qualities), there are loads others who are rather different.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. Sensual, materialistic, or rather, material success is important. So is status. If you think about it, status, money, success, security are all related to feelings of groundedness (earthy). Capricorns always have a tendency to save for a rainy day though, so you won’t see them spending money on frivolous things (and can be seen as miserly). Cardinal means that Cappies go after what they want. They take action, get things started and moving, though they can have less staying power and may be unable to see things through the end.
Traditionally a masculine sign, it is not known to be especially driven by emotions and brings a sense of practicality and realism – both very earthy, solid qualities – to whatever it touches. It is a sign ruled by the planet Saturn, so will have discipline and steadfastness. Saturn though is a sign of celebrating your achievements borne through hard work, of celebrating your harvests after you’ve planted the seeds and nurtured the seedlings (again, very earthy themes). It rewards hard work, discipline and sheer tenacity. Saturn is also known to be a cold, malefic planet so that’s where Cappies also get their cold, unfeeling reputations from. It’s also seen as uptight sometimes as Saturn is disciplinary and upholds rules and boundaries, giving it a limiting feel.
Capricorn is a late bloomer sign. Being ruled by Saturn, which takes its time to see things bloom, individuals who are ruled by Caps can feel like mini adults when they are young. They may walk around with lots of worry and like the world’s weight is on their shoulders. So they tend to suffer from lack of self-confidence, anxiety and insecurity (which is why the constant chase for security). They tend to soften and mellow out over the years and really come into their own past a certain age. Age just like fine wine, literally and figuratively! 😉
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And one thing that I find so special about this sign (and am super proud that I was destined to be a Cappy in this lifetime lol), is that Capricorns represent the past and the future. It’s the only sign that straddles the year end as well as the start of the year. It’s forward-looking and backward-facing at the same time, so lots of planning/planner/plotting energy but also alot of learning from the mistakes and learning how to let go of the past.
From my fav astrology site:
The old Capricorn symbol was half goat half fish. He operates in two realms – in the watery realm of ideas and visions and then makes them real on dry land. He is the stander on the threshold between the unconscious and the conscious; just as Capricorn stands on the cusp of the year that has past and the year that is about to come, looking both ways. He both mourns and celebrates.
I love the Cappie side of my chart because it gives me ambition, willpower and discipline to reach my goals (and I usually always do if I set my mind to it) and I hope that the vibes of this Cap season will encourage you to do the same, to strive for all your big goals and chase after them.
Persist and you will succeed. As long as you keep climbing, you will eventually reach the top – these are classic Capricorn mantras to carry with you this month.
Tarot Spread
#1 How can you bring about more discipline in your life?
If anything, Cappies are disciplined, with a strong sense of work ethic. How can you bring about this energy into your life and be more accountable to yourself and your goals?
#2 How can you be more resilient?
The mountain goat starts its ascend to the top. It might be a slow, rocky and treacherous albeit exciting journey. But the mountain goat will get there eventually.
#3 What ambitious goals do you want to achieve?
Caps are nothing but ambitious. They are always climbing to reach the top – whatever and wherever the top is for them. What ambitious goals and dreams do you have for yourself? The sky is the limit. There are no impossibles. Remember, the mountain goat always gets there, no matter how difficult the path is or how long it takes.
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#4 What plans can you start making to achieve those goals?
Capricorns are planners. They never do things on a whim. Got some goals and dreams to accomplish/manifest? Sure, let’s get pen to paper and start drawing out the path to get where you want to be. What plans can you make right now that will get you to your destination?
#5 What do you want to release and let go of?
As you look back on the past you, the past year – were there habits, behaviours and people that you’d like to let go of? Are there things that have not been working for you and friendships/relationships that have been bringing you down? This card will let you know what you need to let go of in order to move forward.
#6 How do you align future you with your highest self?
As it looks back into the past, Capricorn is also firmly aligned with the future. After all, goals and dreams are things of the future. How can you start living a life in your present whilst aiming for a future you that is aligned to your highest, most authentic self?
#7 How do you start cultivating a life of wisdom?
The mountain goat is a wise one. It carries with it a bag of life experiences, because of what it has seen and encountered on its way to the top. The goat is able to dish out advice like no other. Wisdom it has in spades. How would you like to start cultivating wisdom?
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