When you think of manifesting spiritually, most people will not associate it with the third eye chakra. At least I didn’t, not at first.
But this chakra centre has everything to do with manifesting. How so?
It plays a huge role in bringing our desires into reality through focused intention and belief. Have you ever met someone who just knew what they wanted to do since they were young and somehow met their dreams happen later in life?
These are the people with very powerful third eye chakras. And I’ve been fortunate to meet a few in my life, and see how closely they stick to their dreams and make them a reality. Wanna know how they do it?
#1 Visualizing desires with vividness and clarity
Visualization is a powerful tool for manifestation, and those with a strong third eye chakra are able to create detailed mental images of their aspirations, sending a powerful signal to the universe. They are able to imagine what they want to do in quite vivid detail and may have very specific descriptions of their aspirations.
How good are you at manifesting? Or do you need the help of your third eye chakra? Find out in the quiz below!
#2 Connecting with our intuition and higher guidance
Our intuition serves as an inner compass, guiding us towards our true desires. With an open third eye chakra, we can tune into our intuition, making decisions aligned with our deepest intentions.
Those with a strong third eye chakra are highly tuned into their intuition. They seem led by something within themselves, and the sensation is very strong. A number of them have told me that they are completely led by their intuition – and they never doubt it. This is quite contrary to most of us.
#3 Cultivate unwavering belief in our manifesting abilities
Strong belief is one of the cornerstones of manifestation. When we believe that our dreams can materialize, we radiate an energy that attracts positive experiences and abundance into our lives. When we are not caught up by what others say, the stories they tell us, the negative beliefs, the fears, we are better able to manifest our beliefs.
That is not to say that if you have negative beliefs, you will never manifst anything that you want. But that when you have less hang-ups in general, you do tend to realise your dreams faster. Because you are not standing in your own way.
So how do you begin to awaken the Third Eye Chakra in order to speed up the manifestation process?
Awakening the third eye chakra is a journey of self-discovery, a process of expanding our consciousness and tapping into our innate potential. Here are 2 quick practices that you can start doing to heal your third eye chakra and get into the space of manifesting
#1 Engage in a spiritual practice
Take your pick – yoga, connecting with crystals, meditation, tarot, oracle cards, working with spells, working with a spirit guide etc. Once you start a spiritual practice, you will gradually start to connect deeper with yourself and you will start to be able to hear your intuition amidst the noise of our lives.
You will have clarity of thought and you will know exactly what you need to do. Lesser confusion, fears and negative beliefs. You will definitely still struggle with things here and there, after all we are all human living very human experiences.
But your overall well-being will improve which will make you a better manifestor.
Interested in finding out more about the third eye chakra? About how you can harness its power to manifest all you want? Grab my book below today!

#2 Honour the wisdom of your dreams and intuition
Our dreams and intuition offer valuable insights into our subconscious mind. Keeping a dream journal and reflecting on the recurring themes and symbols that emerge will certainly help you make sense of the subconscious signs that come up in our sleep.
Another useful way is to channel, talk to your guides and do uninterrupted morning or evening pages. Just free-write whatever comes to your mind without stopping and without filtering. Nothing much will make sense at first and sometimes you will have nothing much to say. But keep at it!
It gives your conscious mind a rest and allows your intuition and subconscious to speak up. And it may not make sense to you at that point in time, but you will always find yourself identifying themes and sometimes even ideas in your ramblings.
It’s a beautiful practice and eases your mind, you brain dump and it clears your brain, to allow your intuition to work its magic and reach you.
By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can begin to awaken and nurture your third eye chakra, unlocking your potential to see beyond the ordinary and manifest your deepest desires into reality. Which practice will you start taking on today?