Many times through my own spiritual journey, I’ve often wondered about the twin conceps of manifestation and abundance. It seems to be talked about alot in spiritual circles and new age groups.
I can understand the draw – because who doesn’t want to be rich, and never need to worry about money and anything else in life? However, I do feel that alot of people do not seem to really understand the spiritual power of how to manifest in life.
Manifesting and being abundant isn’t just about thinking good thoughts and wishing and then hoping that something good happens. It’s not about being impatient or incredibly specific about what you want either.
Manifesting is so much more than that. It’s about the right mindset, the right spiritual energy and the having intentions that are not just selfish, but that do the society and the world some good too. Too many people think manifesting is magic, and that by doing the superificial stuff, that the Universe will grant them everything they asked for.
So many tend to just focus on what they want, their own materialistic and consumerist desires and demands, and not think about anything beyond that. Manifestation however is so much more than just accumulating material wealth. Let’s talk a little about how we can start being manifestors from within – by ensuring we have a balanced root chakra energy centre.
How good are you at manifesting and feeling abundant? Find out in the quiz below!
What is the root chakra?
The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with our sense of security, stability and grounding. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel safe, supported and confident. We are also more likely to experience prosperity and abundance in our lives.
Manifestation and the root chakra
The root chakra is the seat of manifestation, when our root chakra energy centre is balanced and healthy, we will have a better relationship with our material world, with money and our possessions.
When we feel a sense of safety and security, we are more likely to take risks and step outside of our comfort zones. We are also more likely to believe in ourselves and our ability to achieve our goals.
The root chakra is the connection between our bodies and the natural world, being that it connects with Mother Earth and all that she represents. In tarot, the root chakra is linked to the Pentacles – of goals, nature, abundance and taking care of yourself.
It’s only when we start doing these practices – having a proper structure or routine in our lives, having a good relationship with nature and the world around us, taking care of your environment, taking care of our bodies and nourishing it – that we start seeing our lives blossom and our manifestations happen.
Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra
However, sometimes our manifestations don’t come to fruition because amongst other things, our root chakras are blocked and energy is not flowing through. Many people actually struggle to balance their root chakras so you are not alone in that sense.
If your root chakra is blocked, you may experience the following:
- Fear of scarcity or lack – you will feel controlled by fear-based thoughts instead of being led by your intuition
- Feeling unsafe or insecure, afraid to get out of your comfort zone
- Anxious or stressed and constantly worried about things
- Feeling ungrounded or disconnected from the earth. Sometimes when we exist or live too much in our heads and not in our bodies, we can feel a sense of disconnect with it and our environment
As you can imagine, experiencing the above points constantly can actually interfere with your manifestations a little. Though that’s not to say you can only manifest once all these things are cleared out of your system, or that if you are thinking positively only, I’ve manifested things through negative periods of my life and it’s about having more moments of not living in fear than the reverse.
How to Activate the Root Chakra to attract wealth and abundance?
So if you are keen to keep building up your spiritual energy in the root chakra, here are a few imple and effective practices:
- Spend time in nature. Being in nature helps to ground us and connect us to the earth’s energy. It also helps us to connect to the energy of Mother Earth, just below our feet
- Practice grounding exercises. Be in the present. Start savouring each moment in your life, the food/drink you are having, the people you are talking to, the weather and the sky when you are out for a walk. Taking note of your present moments help to ground you and feel into your bodies, it makes us get out of living pertpetually in our heads and anchor you to what is going on around oyu right now.
- Using root chakra affirmations, which are really just affirming your sense of security, safety and so on. Affirmations are positive statements that can help to reprogram your subconscious mind. Some examples of root chakra affirmations include telling yourself: I am safe. I am grounded and supported. I am abundant and prosperous.
- Take care of your body. Ensure you are eating, drinking and sleeping well. That you are properly nourished and that your mind is well-rested. Take some time at night before bed to unwind and destress. Be mindful of what you are putting in your body and your mind – what information are you consuming?
- Developing positive relationships with others. I repeat this often enough to anyone willing to listen – always be discerning of who you are forming relationships with and whose energy you are allowing into your life. Mixing with people who are a drain on your life force or who are straight-up bad people and take away more than they add to your life can cause energy to leak out of your root chakra.
Keep repeating these activities, do them often enough and you will start to feel a little differently in your body. Try them today!
A couple of tips for using the root chakra to manifest your desires:
- Take action – Many people think that manifestation is like magic, you rub some crystal ball and the Universe drops what you want at your front door. But no, manifestation requires action. Action in tandem with all the spiritual practices can enable you to manifest faster.
- Be willing to let go of things that aren’t working – Not all our manifestations will happen and that is okay. Some things are not meant for our current life experience, and this is not something that our human minds can fathom, as we have limitations compared to the Universe. We may want something but have little idea that wanting those things aren’t going to lead us to our life purpose or something bigger.
- Be patient – Manifestating is like planting a seedling and watching it grow. Trust that the Universe is working on your behalf and that things take time to organically unfold. I can understand feeling impatient and wanting things to happen right now, but life and the Universe has its own clock. All we gotta do is show up and do the work.
Remember, you are worthy of abundance and prosperity. Believe in yourself, take the steps necessary to create the life you desire and you will be well on your way to manifesting things that are within your life experience.