In Part 1, I talked about traffic, email lists, opt-ins, income reports and the fact that you won’t start off earning alot as a blogger.
In Part 2 of this 3-part series, I continue my reflections.
Read on!
Blogging has become very saturated. You are less likely to stand out.
This is something you just have to accept as a blogger. There is a limit as to how different you can be.
I think that fields like “how to start a blog/how to make a money from blogging” field is particularly saturated. And there are more and more people trying to enter it everyday.
A small group do things differently, the rest more or less say the same things – repeatedly. I’ve unsubscribed from a lot of email lists and stopped reading many posts as well.
If you are afraid of sounding like everyone else, instead of trying to stand out and be special by writing the #18,002 generic post on the net about how to make money – be authentic, genuine and opinionated.
Experiment with products and methods and talk about them candidly. None of that overly PC stuff that plaques some niches. Sometimes I feel that some bloggers hold back too much.
There’s a limit to the types of topics to talk about but not how you go about talking about them and presenting yourself.
Do something most bloggers don’t do. I.E. reply to emails from subscribers personally, give personal advice from time to time. These are also ways in which you can differentiate yourself from the pack.
Write about what you really feel for and feel inspired about, be honest about it, sincerely offer your help and time. And your tribe will naturally come.
Has starting and maintaining an online business feel like a struggle at times?
What works for them won’t work for you
This is the reason why I am super skeptical whenever I see marketing material for a new product/webinar/course/what-have-you, boasting that they can help me make 6 figures, or become an affiliate marketing guru or whatever claims they are making.
We are all in different niches, have different writing styles and are at different points in our blogging career – how can one course work for 50 people with totally different blogging experience, niches and styles?
This is the why I always think it’s best to really understand the point of the course and if it’s for you – is the blogger selling it in the same niche as you for starters?
Also there are no guarantees like what some of them like to claim. Buy this course and become a fantastic writer. Watch this webinar and be on your way to earning a million bucks.
No, no, NO.
Blogging is way too unpredictable and dynamic to say that “if you do x and y you will DEFINITELY get z”.
You gotta really experiment and try things out for yourself. This is the “downside” of blogging, but it does make for some interesting experiences.
No, you don’t need yet another course or e-book
How many how to make money blogging/how to start a blog/Pinterest/Instagram/insert-whatever courses or e-books have you bought or signed up for?
Many I’d think.
I don’t blame you. Each one you take leaves you feeling pretty unsatisfied (ok, I paid $100 and that’s it?) and another one comes along and tells you THIS IS IT. This course/e-book is the Holy Grail and is gonna skyrocket your blog to success.
I was once like this and spent close to a 1000 bucks on courses and e-books alone.
I can count the ones where I’ve learnt something novel/new on one hand, two, if I’m being generous.
Ironically, some of the best tools and tips came from free resources – free webinars, free templates and yes, blog posts.
A lot of these courses and e-books, sorry to say, aren’t really that useful and are simply not worth your money or time.
You’ve also got to recognise that you really don’t need a majority, if not, all of the courses that people are selling you. Of course people will tell you they have this secret trick up their sleeve and if you buy their course you’ll find out what it is.
Eh, no thanks.
Those are mostly just marketing gimmicks. I’m not saying ALL of them are just a gimmick, but many of their “secret tips” aren’t really secret or special and don’t warrant you shelling out that amount of money for it.
So don’t just reach for your wallet each time someone tells you you NEED to purchase that P-interest course or affiliate marketing course. You really don’t. Take advantage of the free stuff first.
Lots of blogs have great, free content chock full of great tips. Read them and experiment. Buy something only if you really, truly need it.
You won’t make much progress unless you are blogging full time
This I didn’t realise until recently.
I spent a good couple of months reading about some bloggers’ progress with their blogs and comparing myself negatively with them.
These were people who could take photos for their blog, update social media, run webinars, send out multiple emails etc – all in one day. Each time I checked their blogs, they had new content up, new things to sell.
I was only blogging once or twice a month, if I’m lucky. What was I doing wrong?
And then it dawned on me – they were doing this full-time. I wasn’t. I couldn’t. I had a full time job and still had to juggle that with multiple studying shifts after work. All that on top of family, housework, socializing, self-care and personal growth.
I don’t deny that lots of full-time bloggers juggle those things, lots do. But the key difference is, my blog is just a part-time thing that I indulged in once in awhile, if I had time.
I couldn’t compete with them. And I shouldn’t.
Also some of these full time bloggers actually have assistants or a team working with them to ensure everything is pumped out like clockwork. They just don’t tell you.
Finding all that out has really helped to put things into perspective for me. Instead of stressing myself over not doing enough for my blog, I’ve come to realise we all have different bandwidths and different lifestyles.
Also all you bloggers out there who are running a one-man show – updating pinterest/instagram, planning your editorial content, writing posts, writing emails, designing content upgrades etc etc etc.
Phew. I feel you.
Just know that you aren’t alone and that you don’t have to do everything all the time. Slow down and do what you can. Blogging is supposed to be fun and not an additional chore to add to your life.
Your thoughts?
What to do next?
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