If you’ve been on a couple of dates in your life, you’ve probably come up against people who displayed behaviour that made you feel uncomfortable and uneasy, but they weren’t in-your-face enough to actually trouble you.
Our subsconscious/intuition/gut/ whatever you wanna call it sometimes pick up on warning signals or red flags way earlier and faster than our conscious mind.
At times, when we are so emotionally invested and engaged with a person on a date, it can be really difficult to stand back from the situation and evaluate our feelings clearly.
Another thing that can make things tricky is that red flags are sometimes not in your face – they are subtle, they get under your skin, they get in your head, but they aren’t obvious.
It could be a manipulative move on your partner’s part or it could be something you just wouldn’t classify as a warning sign – but it is.
In these two episodes, I make several references to a guy called Joe whom I dated not too long ago. Something was never quite right with the way things started between us and there were so many red flags there. And the thing about red flags and alarm bells is that sometimes you may see it but for whatever reason, decide not to do anything about it – alas!
So in this 2-part episode (4&5), I talk about the 12 red flags in the early stages of dating that can help you separate a good partner from a not-so good one.
If something on the inside is telling you that someone isn’t right for you, they’re NOT right for you, no matter how great they might look on paper. When it’s right for you, you will know. And when it’s not – it’s time to go.
Mandy Hale
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